Monday, July 2, 2007

New Discovery

I'm not proud of it, but I am a TV junkie. Grey's Anatomy, The Office, What About Brian, you name it and I love it. So, this is one reason that I don't particualry care for summer. There is nothing on. Luckily, I have the internet to occupy my nights. Pre-baby, we would take rides late at night, go for long walks, etc. Now, we stay home from 7:00-on, because we don't want to mess w/litte missy's routine. I don't mind a bit, actually, it's given me a chance to discover new things about myself. I think I have realized that there is much more to life than TV. I'm trying to find a hobby and discover what my interests are. I started scrapbooking about 2 years ago and never did the first page. I decided to get my stuff down over the weekend, so I could do something memorable for Bailey. I practiced on our honeymoon pictures, because those aren't as important. Sorry, Rob!! I think it will be a good creative outlet that will hold me over until the new seasons start. Maybe, just maybe, it will keep me away from the tube when the new seasons roll around in a few months.

We got Bailey an exercauser this past week and Bailey loves it. I'll post some pics just so you can see for yourself. She is getting so big. By the way, excuse the drool.


Staci said...

Yay! I'm so glad you joined the blogging world :)

Laura said...

Bailey is a cutie!!